Deep Tissue Massage Sacramento

Deep Tissue Massage – Sacramento Massage Studio

The Deep Tissue Massage Sacramento Massage Studio offers focuses on those deeper layers of muscle tissue. It is in these deeper layers that hold a lot of what nags us. How wound up we get actually has a lot to do with the tension and stress we’ve stored here! The primary aim of this treatment is to help relieve muscles of this chronic tension. However, it’s effects often achieve much more, reversing poor posture, relieving chronic pain, and improving mobility.

Deep Tissue Massage is equally beneficial for individuals in extreme fitness training programs and those who spend much of their day at a desk—it can make just about anyBODY feel good as new! Although Deep Tissue may create some soreness during and following the treatment, most people experience pronounced physical and stress relief within the next 24-48 hours.


  • Eases Inflammation – Deep tissue massage increases blood flow in the body. That in turn reduces inflammation. Chronic muscle inflammation can damage muscle tissue over time. (Although short bursts of it such as after working out or receiving a deep tissue massage can be beneficial)
  • Reduces Aches and Pain – Deep tissue massage can break up scar tissue and physically break down adhesions which are bands of painful, rigid tissue better known as knots.
  • Increases Range Of Motion – Having good range of motion is important for both muscle and joint health. Deep Tissue Massage can tame angry muscles that restrict movement around a joint. Encouraging joints to produce more synovial fluid for smooth joint articulation.
  • Rehabs Old Injuries – Still feeling the pangs of an old injury? Deep Tissue Massage can help with chronic or recurring conditions such as tendonitis, lower back pain, migraine/tension headaches, hip/knee/shoulder trauma, and any other injury that occurs in soft tissue structures.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure – Deep Tissue Massage may help protect against high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease. Some studies suggest that it may help calm the sympathetic nervous system, which is raises your blood pressure in response to stress. According to a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (source), Deep Tissue Massage helps to lower blood pressure after just one session.
  • Breaks Up Scar Tissue Making Movement Easier – Chronic pain and stiffness often occupy areas where people have scar tissue. Regular deep tissue bodywork helps break up scar tissue. This improves lymphatic circulation, range of motion, and flexibility in the area of the scar tissue. Shortly after surgery, patients are often encouraged to seek out deep tissue massages to minimize scar tissue buildup.
  • Prevents Injury – Deep tissue massage encourages the body’s natural lubricant stimulation. It can also help with lactate clearance, delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), muscle fatigue, and injury prevention. Making deep tissue massage popular with athletes (source).
  • Improves Posture – Poor posture is one of the leading causes of back pain. Deep tissue massage can help relax overworked and sore muscles from bad posture. It allows your body to relax into its natural alignment and reinforces healthy and natural movements. While lifestyle changes are certainly required for maintaining improved posture, deep tissue massage can definitely help reset the body to its natural alignment and relax the sore muscles.
  • Improves Athletic Recovery And Performance – Studies show that deep tissue massages can help clear lactate and delay the onset of muscle pain & muscle fatigue. The researchers also point out the psychological benefits for athletes may include improved focus and confidence.
  • Helps Moms-To-Be Control Their Pain During Labor – Receiving a prenatal massage can help women minimize depression, anxiety, and leg and back pain. Some research has shown that women who received regular massages prior to and during labor had less pain than those who did not receive regular massages. It even suggests that their labors were shorter in duration than women who did not receive regular massages.

$110 – 60 minute massage
$150 – 90 minute massage