

4 Steps To Destroy Stress

By |November 2nd, 2020|

This year has been unlike anything most of us have seen. I could list here all things wrong in the world, but do we really need a recap of that? We have plenty of reminders of what’s bad in the world. Now more than ever is the time to destroy stress. It's time we get aggressive with our self-care. Eating well and exercise is a staple of self-care. But we need to go beyond that.

Self-Care Strategy for Black People

By |June 11th, 2020|

As a black woman in this time it has not only become important but necessary to strategize and actively participate in self-care practices. With the bombardment of unsolicited inquiries around race many black women are receiving in this time, the first and foremost strategy is to be sagacious in the use of energy and time.

Self-Esteem Through Self Care

By |January 22nd, 2020|

It's easy to lose ourselves in our jobs, in our friends, or worse yet, the TV! Not that any of those are necessarily bad. We can find significance in our job. We can feel seen when we are around our friends. Even spending time watching your favorite show can be an important tool for decompressing after a long day--and, after all, it’s the enjoyment of great art which draws us to it. But spending too much time relying on anything outside of yourself to make you happy will likely lead to disconnection from self. When you take time for self-care you are reminding yourself that you are important. This is where we find our self-esteem.